The healthcare debate has brought much discussion about the “Donut
Hole”, and what it means for Medicare recipients. Frequently this term is used without further
explanation, only noting that it is bad.
The “Donut Hole” affects Medicare recipients (typically the retired and the disabled) who utilize expensive
medications. It should be noted that the Affordable Care Act (ACA / Obamacare) has scaled in substantial
improvements to the “Donut Hole” that are scheduled to be fully implemented by 2020.
In short, the "Donut Hole" represents a substantial amount of cash to be outlaid by many individuals who are insured through Medicare Part D. As of this writing (in 2017),
the “Donut Hole” begins when the sum total of the amounts paid by the insured
AND the insurer for prescription drugs exceeds $3,700. Before the “Donut Hole” begins, an insured’s
outlay is typically a predictable deductible or copayment amount, and the balance
is borne by their insurer. After total
spending by all parties exceeds $3,700, the insured enters the “Donut Hole”, and costs will be
substantially increased to the insured party.
In 2017 while in the "Donut Hole", Medicare recipients are expected to pay 40% of the cost of
brand name drugs and 51% of the cost of generic drugs.
To get out of the “Donut Hole”, an insured must spend enough
money to qualify for Part D Catastrophic Coverage. In 2017, the amount that the insured is
required to pay out of pocket (plus any manufacturer contributions for brand
name drugs) must exceed $4,950. Once
this threshold is crossed, insurance will cover 95% of drug costs for the
remaining portion of the year.
The “Donut Hole” is a substantial problem for Medicare
recipients who have a regular drug regimen.
Especially affected are those recipients on maintenance drugs that have
no generic equivalent. Additionally, because
most Medicare recipients are on a fixed income, a drug regimen can create
substantial hardships even though the recipient is insured. If allowed to stand, the ACA / Obamacare will
reduce costs to patients during the “Donut Hole“ by reducing patient
responsibility to a maximum of 25% of drug costs during the gap. This will represent a substantial benefit as
long as pharmaceutical companies do not raise prices to erode these savings.
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